Time and date conventions
How did our modern months and days of the week get their names? How did the Romans tell the time without watches? Explore all these questions and more.
The Roman army
Explore the ruthlessly efficient engine behind Rome’s massive empire. Then build your own onager (trebuchet) to defeat the enemy.
The Bath curse tablets
Discover everyday Romano-British troubles by reading some heartfelt curses discovered in the Roman baths at Bath. Then make your own curse (or blessing) tablet.
Roman food
What did the Romans eat? What ingredients did they have and how did they cook them? Create your own original Roman recipes
Animals in the ancient world
Animals fill many roles in modern life, but what did they mean to Romans? Students are encouraged to reflect on modern animals, think about ancient ones, and then make their own animal votive figure.
The Bloomberg Tablets
Over four sessions, learn to decode cursive writing and use historical evidence to make deductions about the inhabitants of 1st Century Londinium.
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