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Maximum Classics home learning

The Maximum Classics at Home course is tailored for individual or small group learners aged 8 upwards, with video lessons, printable workbooks, interactive quizzes and progress tracking. As well as improving English literacy, the course also provides a solid foundation for the further study of Latin using established 11+ courses.

The course will be split into sixteen units of learning, with each unit tackling a new grammar topic and introducing a variety of new Latin vocabulary. Unit 1 is currently live (and free to trial), with new units appearing on a monthly basis. If you would like to sign up for alerts when the new units become available, please subscribe to our newsletter.


Quality resources... for free

As part of our social mission, we also have a selection of language and history resources for you to download and use for free.

Mega Greek: A ten-session Ancient Greek language and culture course that explores the links between modern and ancient culture and language. Perfect for students aged 7-11.

Word Roots: An exploration of the Latin and Greek origins of the English language, as well as exploring roots by topic. A great vocabulary booster for students aged 7-13.

Maximum Civilisations: Thematic investigations of the Greeks and Romans aimed at students aged 7-11 with a focus on connecting the past and the modern world, and on improving historical literacy.