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Unit 1 Lesson 2: Quiz B – Binomial Latin name match-up
MC at Home Unit 1: The origins of English
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Quiz B – Binomial Latin name match-up
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Unit 1 Lesson 2: Quiz B – Binomial Latin name match-up
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MC at Home Unit 1: The origins of English
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Unit 1 Lesson 2: Quiz B – Binomial Latin name match-up
MC at Home Unit 1: The origins of English
1.2 Latin, Greek and science
Unit 1 Lesson 2: Quiz B - Binomial Latin name match-up
What is the Latin name for each of these? Type it in the box below.
mus musculus
salmo salar
rattus rattus
solanum tuberosum
felix domseticus
panthera leo
canis familiaris
homo neanderthalensis
equus caballus
homo sapiens
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